
Pitchfork fest 2023 press Photos (upload here)

pitchfork 2024 artist PHOTOS and LINEUP IMAGES

General Pitchfork fest Photos

To submit a request for press credentials to cover the 2024 Pitchfork Music Festival, please take note of the info below. Also, please note that a reply confirming receipt of the request will be sent within a week. If you did not receive a reply confirming receipt, your request was not received. All requests are due in by June 1st. We will begin processing requests in late mid-June.

*Requests for photo credentials will only be considered from photographers on assignment from a specific press outlet.

*Pitchfork is no longer accepting any requests for independent photographers to shoot the festivaL!

On Staff: If you are on staff at a daily or weekly newspaper, online publication or radio or TV station, please e-mail us with the following information: Your name and title, your publication's name, circulation or viewership, links to past Pitchfork Music Festival coverage (if applicable), and description of planned pre/during/post-fest coverage for 2024.

Freelancer: If you are a freelancer, please have an assigning editor submit the above request to us.

College: If you represent a college publication or radio station, please have an assigning editor/station manager submit the request to us. In addition to the information noted above, please note the size of your school's student body.

Also, please be sure to note if you are also requesting a pass to bring in a camera with a removable lens or a video camera. Photo passes will only be given to those using cameras with removable lenses, and only those with photo passes will be allowed into the pit. The Pitchfork Music Festival does not allow any filming of performances.